Ashan R.
Reinforce your online learning.
Improve your writing style.
Add these books to your learning library. Available on Amazon & Lulu.com.

Business Grammar
Learn the grammar and usage topics you need to quickly improve your writing skills for personal and business success.
Student Grammar
Before students can write successful classroom assignments, they must know grammar.
Proofreading Power
Can you catch mistakes in your own writing? Would you like to become an effective proofreader for personal growth or profit?
Adult Grammar
Have you been out of the classroom for a while? Learn to effectively correct common grammar errors.
Urban Grammar
Worser or worse? Learn commonly misused or misspelled words and how to correct them. Full-color or B & W print.
Your Side-Hustle
Proofreading is a highly marketable skill that makes for a great side-hustle or second income, especially for teachers.
APA Format
Learn by example reference citations for APA 7th edition with some comparisons to 6th.
Do you know what you want to say, but just can’t find the words? Words in. Words out.
Proofreading Drills
Are you good at proofreading? Test your skills! For the intermediate to advanced, not beginners.
Essay Writing
What are expository essays? Learn to write essays for high school & college. (Full-color printing thru Lulu).
Grant Writing
Are you a first-time grant writer? Learn the fundamentals of the proposal writing process with full-color tables and graphics.
Copyediting 101
What is copyediting? Learn the duties and skills of copyediting with practical exercises. (Full-color printing thru Lulu).
Creative Writing
Are you creative? Work through these creativity & writing exercises to unlock your imagination.
Graduate Writing
Prepare yourself for the rigors of graduate school writing. Also, take the online class to complement this book.
Clean Copy Writing
What is clean copy? Learn to streamline your wordy sentences. (Full-color printing thru Lulu).